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As of March 10, 2022

Allen, Hon. Sandra

Arrington, Shyra**

Averitt, Ophelia

Banks, Cora Yvonne**

Baskerville, Dr. Lezli, Esq.**

Battle, Dr. Michelle

Bessellieu, Venecia C.**

Blakely, Marilyn

Blakely, Stephen

Brooks, Janice

Brown, Althalena

Brown-Harris, Alene

Buckson, Theresa, MD

Carter, Dr. Geraldine

Cherie, Valesay

Clareville, Dr. Jessie

Collins, Jacqui

Conwell, Yvonne**

Cooper, Leora**

Cloud, Jill

Craft, Shanise

Davis, Leora

Davis-Smith, Veronica

Dymally, Lynn

Edelin, Marvelle

Essien, Arit

Fuqua, Dr. Sonja

Gill-Brassfield, Leslie

Gingham, Marilyn

Gladden, Jerelyn

Gray, Ruth

Hazzard, Cheryl M.

Hill-Riggins, Brenda L.

Holmes, Carolyn

Hope, Cecila**

Hopkins, Mosolene

Howard, Sandra**

Johnson, Dr. Carmen**

Johnson, Gloria**

Jones, Siverene

Jones, Thelma**

Jordan-Smith, Wanda**

Kelley, Ardelinda**

King, Bishop Dr. Barbara L.

Lafluer, Gwendolyn**

Lane, Cappy

Lee, Darnell

      in memory of

      Sheila Stewart*

Lofton, Gwendolyn**

Lopez, Alverta

Lynum, Hon. Daisy W.

Maloon-Gibson, Dr. Amicitia

Matthews, Judy**

Miler, Hardisha

Moore, Margaret

Morris, Marguerite**

Morning, Teresa**

Newman-Jones, Gwen

Nia 2X

Norwood, Dr. Jynona**

Oden, Bernice J.

Owens, Stephanie

Pemberton, Margaret A.

Powell, Shirley Carter

Quarles, Dr. Nancy

Robinson, Walesia, MD

Ruffin, Dr. Susan

Russell, Dr. Lue**

Scott-Rice, Johnnie

Scott, Bizunesh, Esq.

Scott, Sr., Terrence

      in memory of his mother

      Gwendolyn S. Taylor *

Scott, Thelma

Smith-Ribner, Judge Doris

Smith, Linda Jo

Smith, Jacqniece R.

Spivey, Dr. Marie**

Thomas, Beatrice**

Thomas-Hughes, Viola

Thompson, Mark

       in memory of his

       mother Janet*

Tracy, Marlena

Vaughn, Christine

White, Leslie**

White, Vivian

White-Madison, Alisha

Williams, Dr. Cecile

Williams, Dr. E. Faye, Esq.

Wilson, Dr. Alberta K.

Wilson, Dr. Thea W.**

Winter, Hon. Nadine*

Wright, Linda P.

*   -  Deceased

** -  Sustaining Life Membership

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